Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Nightmare on Dyke Street
I must see this movie...
"There will also be a special program called “Queer for Fear,” hosted by MONSTERS IN THE CLOSET author Harry M. Benshoff, Tuesday, July 13 at 7:15 p.m."
(Pant, Pant)Wheewh!
A monster movie update, and I'm still not even done! Note to self, DON'T GET BEHIND!
Monday, June 28, 2004
Don't Like It
I'm sorry, but I just don't like the new Batmobile. Now that my geek cred has been totally stripped, I'm off to see the latest Lindsey Lohan movie.
I'm kidding.
One Pill Makes You Taller...
I started taking my new medition today. I don't feel any better, but I do feel high. I suppose that is an improvement.
Friday, June 25, 2004
The Greek Festival is this weekend. Will's Bachelor Party is this weekend. The Violent Femmes are playing tonight. Hit it.
Thursday, June 24, 2004
| |Wanker
On the heels of Dustin's departure, I thought this story was appropriate..
Someone needs to take the justice system in hand....(runs away)
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
| |Cool!!
I LOVE Alton Brown. I'm so glad that he has a blog. His shop is pretty cool as well. I love the salt cellar and the liquid measure.
I forgot about that...
I forgot that Jared Lorenzen was playing for the Giants. What a good match for J-Lo. However, he looks more like a Giants fan than and actual Giant...
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
On Mike Tyson
Bite the bullet, get the fight, shut the hell up. Plug up that Man-gina/ for one night and get the draw. Scolds of Louisville, go to church and pray for our souls/lungs/livers/guts etc. Me, if I get tickets, I'm going. However, they will have to be given to me, because lord knows I can't afford yjr,
Monday, June 21, 2004
Overall, a good weekend. Friday night I worked, and Saturday I didn't have to get up early, for a change. However, they are probably going to move me from 6-9 am to 2-7 pm. I like the hours, but the airtime in the morning was good, too. We shall see, since this place can't find its posterior with both hands. Saturday evening, the crew went out to Stevie Ray's Blues Bar. I had never been there before, and it was alot of fun. The drinks were a bit expensive and there was a cover, but a good time was had by all. Then the caravan moved to Beer-Halla. It was good to see Dustin and Sara, and hopefully Dustin will be able to join us at trivia tonight.
Sunday sucked monkey nuts. Working the 6am-Noon shift is hell on wheels. Time stopped and moved backwards. Then, I had to hang with pops, which consisted of him watching the US Open, getting drunk and screaming "What the Hell is Wrong with You?" at random points throughout the day. I did get to watch Salem's Lot on TNT and The Ninth Gate (which this lame as channel TRIO said was a "Flop"), I loved that movie, even if a pederast did it. Well, its time to do Rush and water my mothers plants while she is vacationing in Minnisota (who the hell goes to Minnisota for vacation?), go the the head shrinker and make it to the gymn. I going on a diet and exercising more. Me and Rhino are going to be skinny by August 1st!. I'm going to try to do at least and hour of cardio a day, along with weight training 3-4 times a week. Its lofty, but If I can cut out 500 calories a day, I'll be on my way.
Friday, June 18, 2004
| |Narf!
I have a mission this weekend. To find the "Animaniacs" CD's. That show was so funny, especially the "Pianist" episode.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
The One
Who says there is no such thing? I found mine..
Thanks to Sarah for pointing me in the correct direction.
Wacky Catholics
I'm sorry, but this is crazy. In fact, the whole site is pretty wack...
I like ballet Jesus.
Just heard on Joe Elliot...
"Patrick Henry said one time, 'Give me Liberty or Give me Death.'"
Patrick. Henry. said. one. time.
Go Laugh at these "Morans", please.
D&D Players!! Start Your Libido's!!
Ewwww! Total Nerd Alert.
I can't believe D&D players even think about sex. I would think it would be too depressing.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Cthulhu La La Fhtagn!!
This rules, plus the fact that is going to be my next purchase from the internet, The Cthulhu Plush Doll!!
Car Post
As Pert tries to find a car he likes, lets all try to stear him AWAY from something that even resembles a Miata. Personally, I would LOVE to test drive one of those new Scions. I believe that Consumer Reports rated them pretty high: good mileage, spacious interiour, plus even the SUV type seem pretty compact for inner city living. They are not yet available in KY, however, which is a bummer. I would also suggest a Mini, but I want one of those so bad I can't see straight.
I love the robot at the beginning of the Mini site, reminds me of Robocop 2.
My Pseudo-Husband
I love Bob Valvano. Such a sweetie. If I could combine him and Alan Rickman as Severus Snape, we would be going to Vegas!!
Monday, June 14, 2004
New Sched-dual
For the foreseeable future, I'm going to be working 5:30 to midnight, Monday thru Friday.
That is unless they move me somewhere else, which is very possible. We shall soon see..
Saturday, June 12, 2004
| |Friday, June 11, 2004
| |"...Just Role Around Heaven All Day"
Godspeed, Ray. I'm a huge fan and will be for the rest of my days.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
| |Hmmm, that could be it
I know Dodd is running a "Kerry Running Mate Pool". He should probably go ahead and make that check out to "The Onion" right now.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Geez, I'm bawling watching this placing of the casket on the plane. The Marine Band is playing Amazing Grace and they just showed Nancy. Fuck, I'm such a sucker.
On a related subject, why is Nancy so distant from her children? Instead of being escorted by her kids, she is walking apart from them with a Marine General. It just seems kind of odd. They are even making the kids wait until Nancy gets on the plane before they let anyone on. What gives with this family??
Very Cool, Hershey's White Chocolate Almond Bar. Not So Cool, doing crunches after eating it. Trade offs are a bitch...
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
They Always Suprise Me
The Japanese have always been a suprising and inovative peoples, full of great ideas and electronics. I guess cause Parcells is an old white guy that this is a slur. I suppose he should apologize, but its still funny...
Dirty, Dirty, Dirty
Someone sent me a link to several new VH Mp3's. I must say they were all smashing, but I can't abide by "Up for Breakfast". I don't want to imagine those old coots doing all that freaky stuff in the morning.
"Cream in my Coffee"???
"Butter on my Biscuit"??????
"(something unmentionable about breakfast links)"??!??!??!!?
Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, EWWW!!! Gross!!! I can't even listen to "Poundcake" anymore. GROSS!!!
I Have Two Things To Say
Conway Twitty. Jimmy Buffett
I swear, I had no idea who sang that song, those two just popped into my head. I'm starting to think that maybe I am psychic. I had two "see-ers" tell me that I was a very powerful oracle in a pervious life that misused her powers. I'm regaining them in this lifetime, and they will grow stronger as I get older. I guess thats why most of my realistic dreams actually happen, but it never important. I can predict what color the new trash can in the office will be. Thats about it.
Monday, June 07, 2004
Not to Go Against My "Remembering Ronnie" post, but...
For fucks sake, people. He wasn't Jesus. I'm listening to Rush basically act like Reagan died for his sins. I suppose that he is "the savior" of the conservative movement in this country, but come on. Keep it together, o pinacle of broadcast excellence...
Sunday, June 06, 2004
"Shut The Fuck Up, Danny"
Wow. I didn't know Murtaugh had totally lost his ever-loving mind...
"We all know Reagan's legacy, from the Iran-Contra affair to the funding of the Nicaraguan military in which over 200,000 people died. The groundwork for the move steadily to the right happened with the Reagan administration. People want to elevate him to some mythic level; they have their own reason for doing that." - actor Danny Glover, at an anti-war rally in Los Angeles."
(Double Posted for complete awe at the stupidity of some people)
Remembering Ronnie
My most vivid President Reagan moment happened when the Challenger blew up in 1986. I was in the car with my mother and we were driving around in downtown Louisville. The shuttle had blown up in the past several days, and some radio genius had mixed some hokie song with sound from the disaster and the presidents speech (if you remember, someone did this with "Hero" by Inrique(sic) Eglasius(sic) and "For Those About to Rock, We Salute You" by AC/DC. Cheesy and campy are the words that come to mind, but I digress..). Anyway, I remember President Reagan saying "...they slipped the surly bounds of earth to touch the face of God." I lost it, right there in the car. Last night, watching the many pre-packaged retrospectives that production editors have had in the can for the past five years, I saw the challenger speech. I lost it again, just like in 1986.
One thing I will say about President Reagan's battle with Alzheimers over the past ten years. I have a family memeber in the early stages of this disease. Its a very tough thing to watch. The "long goodbye" that Larry King spoke of last night doesn't do it justice. One of the cruelest tricks that Alzheimers plays, it causes two deaths in a person. First the mind, then sometimes many years later, the body. I can only imagine what Mrs. Reagan and the Reagan family had to go through, but I will say this. Alzheimers research and funding often times gets placed on the back burner because in itself, it is not deadly. Victims often die of pneumonia or other respitory diseases rather than Alzheimers itself, which only complicates the other ailments. Please, if you really want to remember one of our most beloved presidents, make a donation to an Alzheimer research fund. There are plenty online and I'll let you do the research to pick out one you like. Make your donation in memory of the President.
On a side note, I never knew that Reagan got his start in radio. I believe that he was a Cubs announcer. He, like myself, had the good sense to get out while the getting was good....
Goodbye, Mr. President. Lets hope that we make you proud. You certainly made us proud..
Saturday, June 05, 2004
My Little Corner of the Role-Playing World
Did I mention that I love Nation States? I'm also very patriotic, so please, visit my little burg. We're a fiesty but general good natured peoples *ha*.
I want you to want me...
Friday, June 04, 2004
About Damn Time
I just had a bottle of the New Coca-Cola C2. Its the new "lower sugar cola", and its pretty darn good. I'm just curious why it took so long to make a low sugar coke that tastes like original coke. This C2 has 45 calories per serving (there are 2.5 per 20 Fl. Oz. bottle) and it really tastes like normal coke. With all the advances in sugar-substitues that really taste like sugar (Splenda, anyone?), why did this take so long. As long as they keep making Diet Coke with Lime, I fully support this measure...
New Favorite
I have a new favorite beer.
Hoegaarden White Ale.
I had it at trivia the other night. It was sweet, but so yummy. Yes, sweet equals chic beer, but I'm a girl, so the formula works...
Its also from Belgium, so it a little expensive in the bars, but very worth it. Not a beer to drink quickly.
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Still Haven't Gotten Over the Jenny McCarthy Thing, Huh?
Someone bought me a pair of shoes yesterday. I'm sorry, but someone over thirty, male and straight should never utter "Candies are the Coolest!" I didn't pick out the shoes, and I'm not saying that I don't like them. Far from it. They are really cute, BUT, they are these sandals/platform/patchwork shoes that I have to buy and outfit around. Not something that I would pick out, but my taste tends to run to the "more wash and wear" variety.
I saw the cutest "wittle bunny-wabbit" outside of work today. He was just hiding in the clover, wiggling his nose and trying to be inconspicuous. His adorableness outed him, though. Not really sure what his status is for "Lepus", but we shall see. Now where did I put that radioactive canister...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Way Cool
I have made the decision that I am going to go to law school, and a position at work has come to my attention that may allow me to work and go to school. Troy, the producer for FC, is quiting for bigger and better things. That means more flipping around, and I would LOVE to take the 7-midnight shift. That would be sports talk and Joe Elliot. Man, that would be so sweet. Seriously, internet, keep on my ass. I got to get on this while the fire is burning. My inner fires tend to burn brightly, but often times they burn short. I have to get out of here, and I believe that I would make a good lawyer. At least I could say things like "I just lawyered the FUCK out of you....". Perhaps I can do other things besides being a lawyer, but I can just see a whole Dr. Gonzo thing for me.
"As your attorney, we need Alcupolco Shirts..."