Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Go-Go Gadget Randomness
Rock me little, Italian, balding man!!!
On the other side of the spectrum.
If you live in Columbus, OH: HAHAHAHAHA!
That just screams "Reason for the Season", don't you think??
Monday, November 29, 2004
| | | |Soapbox
I'm going to get on my mini-soapbox for just a second here. Reading this article really got me steamed. I really wounldn't consider this product placement. If it was, EVERY FREAKING DUCK THAT GRACES THE SCREEN WOULD BE CONSIDERED PRODUCT PLACEMENT! PLUS THE FACT THAT IF YOUR COMPANY WANTS TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH JIM CARREY IN AN WAY SHAPE OR FORM YOU WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER GET MY BUSINESS, CUTE DUCK OR NOT! WHAT ABOUT GILBERT GODFRIED? AS FAR AS I KNOW, AFLAC IS HIS ONLY SOURCE OF INCOME (besided doing random 80's nostalgia shows on VH1). WHAT THE FUCK!!?
(end of soapbox, carry on).
Saturday, November 27, 2004
| |Thursday, November 25, 2004
Audio Valium
I have found a worse thing than Mike Ward.
Art "OMG-I-Make-A-Dead-Man-Sound-Interesting" Bell.
I will never, ever, ever run this shit-tastic show again.
You can tell its bad when he uses "Riders On The Storm" as bump music.
No wonder truckers have so many accidents, they are all ASLEEP!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
"Lawyers, I suppose, were children once"
I know, I shouldn't have eavesdropped. Four young lawyers sitting at the table behind me, I just couldn't help but overhear. They were talking loud enough that all the customers at Stevens and Stevens could hear them.
"Of course, my dumbass defendent wore a baby blue shirt to court. Then the judge asks, 'Why are you wearing gang colors in my courtroom?' It was hysterical. (laughter by the group)"
"Of course, I had a class that I was teaching (law school, I'm assuming), and one of my students wore a 'Haliburton Rules' t-shirt after the election. Its great to have some students that are as conservative as I am."
I don't know why these people rubbed me the wrong way. They were loud, obnoxious and described some of their peers (names I recognized) like horses asses. I know several lawyers pretty well. Please tell me you don't act like this in public? At least lie to me and tell me you don't rub in the fact that you are a "conservative" in an obviously "liberal" establishment. Good god, just eat your overpriced deli food and get the hell out, there are people waiting for the tables.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
The Christimas Anti-Party Party
Everyone who reads this little bitch session known as a blog knows that I am employed at one of the largest media entities in the country (don't want to give away too much info or I could get fired, but hell, if you really wanted to find out, check the archives). Anywhoo, the "Christmas Party" is going to be held at a local restraunt/attraction, The Star of Louisville. HOWEVER, boarding begins at six and the boat departs at seven and doesn't dock again until nine pm. ALSO, the suits decieded that it would be a good idea to have the party on a Wednesday night. A freaking Wednesday night. So basically, the people in sales and managment don't really want to hang out with the people that put things on the radio for them to sell. None of the talent, news, traffic or production people can go to this little function because we will all be working when the boat leaves or we have to get up so early the next day, there is really no point in going. Never mind the fact that the term "Christmas Bonus" is not in this company's vocabulary. I wouldn't even mind a 50 spot, but no, the billions of dollars that the company makes world wide just isn't enough to keep their employees happy during the holidays. They can't even keep their employees happy during the rest of the year, why stop with the Holidays.
However, a fellow malcontent and I were talking about having a get together for all the people that are not able to attend the "company party". We were thinking a party room somewhere, on a WEEKEND, and pizza/beer. Contrary to popular belief, there are some cool people that work here, but they have been screwed out yet again by the powers that be. If anyone has any suggestions, please put them in the comments section. This will be an invitation only event, BTW.
Friday, November 19, 2004
FYI, Part 2
"Rock Candy" by Montrose is a great song.
I forgot they remade that for the Waynes World Soundtrack. Just chalk it up to stupid things that I remember.
I hate NASCAR. I really, really, really hate NASCAR.
Thank you for your attention.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Leave it to a Hostettler to F*** It Up
This guy should be drug out in the middle of the street and ridiculed for his prudishness and bad helmet hair. What an absolute nancy-boy.
"Hostettler, a proponent of the interstate extension, agrees. “Every time I have been out in the public with an ‘I-69’ button on my lapel, teenagers point and snicker at it. I have had many ask me if they can have my button. I believe it is time to change the name of the highway. It is the moral thing to do.”
Stop acting like you live in an Amish community and live in the real world. Every teen-ager to twenty something thinks that funny. I bet even in your little lilly white heart, you think its funny. Lighten the fuck up, Hostettler. Be conservative, don't be a fucking prude. Lower taxes, don't worry about changing a fucking street name because its off-color. Don't live up to the wacky-christian-conservative prude title. Get over it.
Edit: This story is fake, dammit. I knew it was to good to be true...
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Hell Yeah
I totally approve of a marching band making fun of mormons.
"Perhaps the most infamous stunt came at the 1997 Notre Dame game. The band mascot, a person in a tree costume, ran onto the field at Stanford Stadium wearing a nun's habit as the band's announcer called Notre Dame the "Blightin' Irish," referring to the Irish Potato Famine in the 1840s.
The band introduced "Seamus O'Hungry," and described the Irish as a people whose "sparse cultural heritage consisted only of fighting, then starving."
That is awesome. Go Band!!!
Hungury at 7:33 am
I'm trying to ignore Mike Ward, and my stomach is growling. I'm having a craving for either BBQ ribs or Chico's salsa and a burrito. I really miss Chico's, they had the best salsa in town. They weren't in financial trouble, they had just been open for about 25 years and were ready to shut it down. Thats not the way to do salsa junkies. You can't cut off our only supply line!! On the rib front, I miss BB's too, but I have found a new place. Firehouse BBQ. A tad bit more expensive, but the Bama ribs are out of this world. O geez, now I have to get something to eat...
Monday, November 15, 2004
Big Dead Baby Jesus
He just like Jesus, Ole Durty/ODB/Ole Durty Bastard/Durt McGirt is gonna rise from the grave.
I can't wait for the Tupac/Biggie collaboration.
Snoop states the obvious and expresses much grief...
" 'He was a brother,' said Snoop Dogg, who recently collaborated on a track for ODB's upcoming album."
Nice, dibs on the teeth
Denny Crum is Loaded
I was complimenting Mr. Crum on his brand-spankin-new s500 series Mercedes. I asked him about the s55. He told me he test drove one, and loved it, but his wife thought it was too much of a car for him. Yeah....
I have a very dear friend that is very seriously considering filing for bankruptcy. I was not informed until this weekend that he has ammassed about 60,000 dollars worth of debt and has just gotten himself a job that pay about 10 dollars an hour at best. I'm really at a loss. I don't know what to do in this situation. Cut him loose and never speak to him again? Stick by for moral support, but not much else? Sell some eggs to make some quick money? What? WHAT?? Here is yet another important life decision that I am leaving up to the internet.
Friday, November 12, 2004
| |Thursday, November 11, 2004
This is pretty funny.
Crying Jesus is my favorite. Nevar Forgit!!!
PS-HAHAHAH!!!! America always kept it real. Real Gangsta.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Look, Meatwad, I made Spaghetti
Thats not spaghetti, thats a damn TV cord....

YOU ARE MASTER SHAKE -- A large, human-sized cup of
ice cream, Master Shake is a lazy bum with no
morals or values. He spends almost all of his
life watching movies on TV or relaxing in his
neighbor's pool. He enjoys torturing Meatwad,
lying, cheating, and generally causing trouble.
Liked by few, needed by none.
What 'Aqua Teen Hunger Force' character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thanks Waggs
I saw the Louisville version of Motormouth on VH1 (my new favorite show). I think one of the former members of the Trustees of Modern Chemistry was on, I think Joby was his name. Of course, some dumbass toothless (yes, this fuckstick had no teeth) redneck won. Thanks VH1, way to keep up the stereotype.
I'm a succubus. I have the ability, without really saying or doing anything, to take perfectly good man, suck out his ambition and fill his head with foolish pipe dreams that he is convinced will work. Then the poor fellow has to go bag groceries. This has happened to me several times. Yep. Me, Brooke Shields, Bridget Wilson and Elin Nordegren. Yeah, its all about me. Ha.
On another note, I'm pretty sick with some sort of ear, nose and throat infection. Blogging will be kept at a minimum. I have to feed myself antibiotics, OJ and Lifetime Daytime movies. The funny thing is, I have to keep doing Mike Ward simply because no one else will work for him. No one. Not even when the PD of the station asks them. Real nice.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Much Love
I hate to hear when a member of the blog-universe passes on. Kai was a cool kid, I could tell that we would get along just by reading her blog. Sympathy to family and friends.
The Renewal of a Irrational Phobia
Have you ever been at Home Depot and were about two thoughts away from buying a couple of machetes to sharpen and carry around with you? You know, one for the car, one for under the bed, maybe to stash somewhere at work. Have you ever gotten out a map to perhaps find the quickest route to a gun/ammo shop? Have you ever thought about hoarding tires, water, food rations, gas and cigs, just in case? Ever wanted to talk to all those gun nut friends of yours into taking you out to the shooting range? (which I need to do anyways, simply for my edification.) Every once in a while, these phobias of mine get renewed. Lets just say that after watching this, I may be going shopping.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
| |I wonder if these people smoke mary-juana
I just had an "Endo, Pinner" from The Cheba Hut on Baxter Ave. across the street from Flannigans. Pretty damn good. Pretty damn stoned employee's. Pretty damn fun. Why didn't I think of that...
Friday, November 05, 2004
Damn you, VH1. I haven't heard that Buzzcocks song in forever, and now I can't get it out of my head. The cassette, "Singles Going Steady", has long been since eaten by my 1989 Pontiac 6000 (which still runs, is sitting in my garage and on has about 80,000 miles on it. Isn't that crazy). Looks like I'm going to have to drop some duckets to get the....ooooh, lookie, an import that is fairly cheap. I believe that has my name all over it, but I have never shopped with Amazon.com before. Pros/Cons, leave in the comment box. Until then...
Guilty Pleasure Update
Those of you who are familiar with Lepus know that I like ska music. I always have, always will. I also like metal. Thats why I'm ashamed to say it, but I like Korn. Korn is one of those bands that you really don't want to be lumped in with their fans. They annoy the shit out of me. However, I have a new band that goes in the Korn file. Skindred. They freaking rock. I now hang my head in shame. Check out the re-release of "Babylon", its quite good.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Raul has come up with the newest buzzword to describe the aging-activist-actor/actress/musician, Hippiecrat. Spread it around, people. Its to funny to let it go to waste....
On a related note, there are several chicken littles running around work today. No, not the sandwiches, jackass, the OMG-the-sky-is-falling-America-is-doomed-Conservatives/Republicans/Bullies/Christians-will-destroy-our-country-Osama-is-coming-to-kill-us-all chicken littles. While I agree at some point that there needs to be a healthy mix to insure the whole checks and balances thing, its really not all that bad. I doubt that republicans will turn the US into a country that will rival Cromwell-Britania in its conservativism. I'm not 100% happy with the conservative social agenda, in fact, I'm not even 50% happy with it. However, we all just need to be calm and sift through the stereotypes. Trust me, you'll find a nugget of democracy in that river, you just have to try and find it a little harder.
F*** You, Diddy!!!
Vote or Die?? In your eye!!!!
"I like it when you vote, bitch"
"Shake them tittes when you vote, bitch"
"I slam my jimmy through your mouth roof"
"Now get your big ass in the pollin' booth"---South Park
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
| |Vote or Pie
Yes, I'm going to vote today, and pie after voting could be the reward to myself for putting up with all this bullshit for the past year. I have also made a discovery, when you get two democrat-leaning young people (under 40) in a room, the comments that are made are just about hysterical. Namely...
"The young vote is supposed to be democratic..."
"If it was Edwards heading the ticket, he would be kicking Bush's ass.."
Hmmmmm, me not so sure....
Also, a question to my readers. What issue in this election pissed you off the most. For me, its a tie between this whole "Vote or Die" thing and the draft bill that Mr. Wrangle put forth in the Senate. How about you?
In closing, go vote and have pie. Dammit, I should have made t-shirts...
Monday, November 01, 2004
Movie Update
Big ass movie update, and no, I won't tell you about the wedding. Any of you with digital cameras that read this blog, I am at your mercy. Please don't post those pictures, please.