Thursday, June 30, 2005
For the millionth time, I hate my job.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Candy Colored Clown...
was the Roy Orbison song in "Blue Velvet" that Dennis Hopper totally kicked Kyle MacLaughlan's ass to.
To my way of thinking the song should have been called "In Dreams".
"In Dreams" which is a kind of freaking movie with Annette Benning and Robert Downey, Jr.
My point.
I need to quit this weird dreaming stuff. I haven't gotten any sleep. The dream was about the internet. On this internet, I found an alternet message board where people slammed me.
I'm spending too much time on here
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
| |Thursday, June 23, 2005
Dear Sci-Fi Network
I mean, look at some of these gems.
1. Giant Sabertooth Tigers
2. Giant Deepwater Eels
3. Man/Hammerhead Shark combination
4. Asteriods
5. Vampires
and we can't forget MANSQUITO, can we??
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
| |Monday, June 20, 2005
Batman Begins
It was, quite possibly, the best comic book movie ever made.
Bale was awesome (he reminded me of Val Kilmer, just a bit).
Katie Holmes was underwhelming (lol Scientology/wacky boyfriend lol)
Dr. Crane/Scarecrow was REALLY F**KING SCARY, but I have a problem.

What the hell is up with those frames? Don't hide those pretty baby blues, let them lose! Those are the most horrible things I have ever seen. Of course, now they will be the next big thing in eyewear.
I am now a Ducard/Ra's al Ghul fangirl. Liam Nielson was so hot. So, so hot.

Also Alfred made me cry. I (heart) Michael Caine. Even if he did make Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
News Booth Blogging
This is pretty fun, doing news that is.
Man is it time consuming.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
| |Friday, June 17, 2005
| |Dear Mo's and other like restaurants
I don't care if you say "Welcome to Mo's/Ice Cream Place!" when I walk in the door. I don't need your fake salutations. The reason I frequent your restaurant is that I like the food, not because sour-faced workers mumble "Welcome to Mo's".
Just let it go and make my burrito.
And managers, if your workers forget, let it go. Its SO not worth it.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
| |Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I feel sick.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I Laughed Til I Cried
TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS and DON'T skip the intro.
Because Michael is more important than the Berlin Wall, Martin Luther King and the Baby Jesus in a burrito.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Ok, I'm going to try to be less vengeful. It'll probably be better for my blood pressure, anyways. I can't promise anything, plus the fact that a little bitterness makes the Lepus go 'round, as they say.
I was listening to the latest single from R. Kelly in the car.
I know he's about as looney as they get, but his songs crack me up. He's such a good singer but when he's reaching for those high falsetto notes while dealing with "Bitch what the fuck, there's a used condom in my bed."...
Comedy gold.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
I was Thinking
I really don't want bad things to happen to people.
Its just that my life is so shitty that I'm jealous of anyone that is moderately sucessful.
Just lock me up and throw away the key. I'm done.
I will not be vindictive. I will not be vindictive. I will not be vindictive. I will not be...
I learned last night that another one of my ex's, who terribly successful in the indie rock and knitting fields, just bought a Mini-Cooper.
The car of my dreams.
I'm really tired of people that treated me like shit being so successful.
Can't bad things happen to THEM for a change?
I need a smite stick.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Alex Van Halen.
I would also add Brain from Primus, and what the heck, I like Herb the Ginsing Drummer, too.
Bucking popular opinion is fun.
I went swimming this morning and I still have water in my ears.
It feels like I have wads of cotton stuffed deep into my cranium.
Any tips would be appreciated
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I Feel Better
Thanks guys.
Now if I could just get that whole vindictive, psychotic, vengance thing under control.....
Monday, June 06, 2005
I'll Make this Real Easy for Everyone
If anyone wants to stop being my friend, go ahead and email me.
If any plans need to be broken concerning a football game, I'm OK with that too.
How many people can Lepus alienate in a 24 hour period?
At least two and the day isn't even over yet.
Mix Tape
To cheer myself up, I made a Mix CD.
1. Cherry Blossom Girl (Remix)- Air
2. These Words- Natosha Bedingfield
3. Straight On- Heart
4. Boots- KMFDM
5. Falling into Darkness- Killswitch Engage
6. Karma (Superstition Remix)- Alicia Keys
7. Never Been To Spain- Three Dog Night
9. Run to the Hills- Iron Madien
10. Stick Shifts and Saftey Belts- Cake
11. I have no idea what this last song is called, buts its a rap song about a cab driver and it has flutes.
Big Thanks to Church for the hospitality last night.
Friday, June 03, 2005
When it rains
Bad things that Happened today...
1. The SO's electricity was turned off. I had to pay to turn it back on because SO can't afford it.
2. The SO's dad had another stroke/seizure. Doctors say there is a tumor pressing on the vein, but it doesn't look cancerous. Plus has spot on his lungs (smoked since he was 12, I think he's mid-60.
3. I told the mother about this. Her response "...are you sure you want to be with this guy? He just sounds like a loser. Find a rich guy to date"
About SO's Dad
"Well, he's a smoker, so he deserves it"
4. I get to do over an hours worth of production after work at midnight tonight.
Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead
One monkey on my back (and the airwaves) has been removed, forever.
No more Mikey!!!!
Now on to big and more depressing problems.