Sunday, July 31, 2005
Why all the Hate, Lepus?
Ummm, that's like asking why is the sky blue (even though there is a scientific explanation having to do with something or other, I can't remember, though).
So, yea. That's basically it. I also had a dream that my ex-boyfriend shot me in the face and left me in a ditch. I survived, but I didn't have a lower jaw and I drooled all over the place and my tounge just kind of hung there.
The good times just keep on comin'.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Dear Stupid
If you file for Chapter 13,(which you told me you would) a little piece of me will hate you for the rest of your life.
Your a dumbass and I'm cursed for all eternia.
Perfect match, I supposed
Shackled to my Oar as the ship sinks.
On a lighter note, AHAHAHA!
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
I had a dream last night that Mr. UPS and I went to a CSPAN style talk. Ralph Reed was speaking on his new book, but something happened (I believe there was a problem with the sound system) and the talk was postponded.
For some reason, UPS and I met up with Mr. Reed back stage and started to engage him in conversation reguarding his new book. He suggested that we go to the parking lot of the building to discuss it. Thinking this was odd, but for some reason really wanting to figure out this book, we agreed.
Apparently, Mr. Reed's new book used the anime cartoon Inuyasha as a templete for the superpower countries in the world. He was really serious and at the time in my dream, it really made sense. He had five character that he had outlined and had given us the first three. Now keep in mind that I have only seen Inuyasha in commercials. Never watched the show.
1. Inuyasha- China
2. Niroku- Japan
3. Kagome- United States
Of course, for some reason, I was all obstinant about the fact that the whole show took place in feudel Japan. Then Mr. Reed wanted to "do a jay".
Then I woke up.
Someone 'splain that one, cause I sure can't. I don't even know who Niroku and Kagome are.
Monday, July 25, 2005
| |Sunday, July 24, 2005
Talmage Brown?
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) _ A Kentucky man was just a few blocks away when a blast killed dozens at a resort in Egypt earlier this week. Talmage Brown attended Trinity High School in Louisville. The 23-year-old was sitting at a coffee shop and says he didn't hear the blast nearby. The bombings killed 88 people. Brown is studying in Cairo.
Came down 11:45 am on Sunday 7/24/2005/
Anyone find this name familiar? I sure do.
Hope he enjoyed the coffee and the oblivousness.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Aw Shucks
The lovely and talented Sarah recommended me in Velocity this month.
Thanks, love. You rock me like a hurricane.
Funny thing, I didn't know about it until Church told me.
On a side note, the blog has been exorcised.
Things are as they should be.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I Have Had It
I'm really done with watching police officers in cruisers break laws that we "unanointed" would be pulled over for in a second. This goes beyond speeding and not using turn signals and swerving in and out of traffic, this is blatent abuse of authority. The morning, Officer Friendly was heading west-bound on Taylorsville Road when just before the intersection of Breckenridge and Taylorsville, he leaves the west bound lane. Thats right, he pulls out of the west bound lane and into the east bound lane's turning lane. Then he stops and without using his turn signal pulls into the shopping center with My Favorite Muffin.
That is so much crap I can taste it. Had I done that shit, I would have been popped in less than five seconds. Its not that I don't respect the police, I do, but if I have to follow the rules, they should have to follow them as well. Never mind the fact that 8/10ths of these officers don't have more than a high school education. Never mind the fact that most of these guys live up to the redneck stereotype.
Follow the freaking rules, my little bacon bits. If I see it again, I'm writing down car numbers, liscense plates and all the information I can get. Not that it would do me ANY good, but fuck it. For the sake of my own sanity and the fact that I have to justfiy the tax withdrawl from my paycheck, I'll do it.
BTW, Fall Out Boy and the new White Stripes are quite good.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Ok, I TRIED to fix it. Anyone with a more precise eye who can spot a mistake in these lines and lines of code, please drop me a line..
Thanks ever so much.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
(turn on speakers, btw)
As Mr. UPS moves on to green and more fertile pastures (actually, Michael Jackson's fake vagina is more fertile than this place), he left me several small yet moving momentos.
A tiny bottle of Tabasco and a Howard Dean for America lapel pin
Miss ya, dude. Go Libertarian the fuck out of some people.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Harry Potter in Gator Country?
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Cajun?
Please oh Please don't let him die. Please oh Please don't let him die....
*and let him hook up with lil miss pink hair
*Kill me
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
| | | |Monday, July 11, 2005
A cop followed me to work, which was odd. What was truly strange was that he never did over 35 mph, no matter what the speed limit.
Then when I got on the expressway, he never went above 50.
It was very strange.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Thats About Right
I guess
How to make a Lepus |
Ingredients: 3 parts competetiveness 5 parts brilliance 1 part ego |
Method: Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of caring and a pinch of salt. Yum! |
London Bombings and why I believe this negates all the "G8" hype
Bob Geldolph has failed, but its not his fault. The G8 summit is now no longer about debt relief in Africa (which by the way, houses many extremist muslim countries, Sudan, Lybia, anyone?)
The extremists have stolen any positive (debt relief) thunder that could have come out of these confrences. Personally, I think that a shift from debt relief to global security against terrorism is a good thing.
Moving on from G8 for a moment.
I'm suprised that this hasen't happened in London before. Since the Madrid bombings ( and their ridiculous response politically) last year, I was just waiting to hear about another city being attacked. With all the protestors and anti-western/capitalism/USA feeling that is around London and the UK this week, I'm not suprised that the attacks happened when they did.
This is why its so important for London to actually try to "assimilate" their immigrant population instead of sending them off to their own communities and forgeting about them for the majority of the time. I've noticed this about London. Their versions of China/India/Pakistan-town are so independent that I'm suprised they even consider themselves a part of London at all. When the majority of London doesn't care about its satillite communities, clerics and other hardliners that are still in the home country have the ability to take a much larger hold on the immigrant communities. Next time someone says "Paki" or whatever else type of slang that is ment to put these immigrants in their place, will someone PLEASE call them "Londoners" instead? Unless London reaches out, these communities will continue to reach inward, and that is like they never left the homeland.
I just have one other thing to say. If you are a protestor that went to G8 to voice your beef about whatever non-sensical issue you have rattling around in your brain, go home.
The protestors outside of the US embassy in London blaming the US for the bombing?
Yea, you guy REALLY need to go home.
Ugh, I'm done and disgusted.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
i will not go to this and dress up, i will not go to this and dress up, i will not go to this and dress up, i will not go to this and dress up.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
I Chose.....Poorly
I was faced with a choice today.
Twenty dollars on a Target Giftcard and 2 CD's to choose from.
The New Missy Elliot
The New Gorillaz.
I picked Missy. It sucks.
Shoulda picked Gorillaz.
Monday, July 04, 2005
O My Dear Lord
I hate fireworks with a visceral passion. Its going to be SO scary driving home from work tonight.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
| |Friday, July 01, 2005
I'm working all weekend, including Monday.
double grrrrr.
An Elvis Man Should Love It
Me Reviewing Movies
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Half-Blood Prince Neron
The Slate
What Can Brown Do For You???
Plaid Stallions: 70's Fashion
Everything is Pop (also known as Barry)
Lowering the Bar Bill in Nam
Thats Real F***in' Funny, Man
Jesus Save UsThe Onion
Landover Baptist Church
Chicken Head
Jib Jab
Huffington's Toast
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Come On, Daddio. Don't be a....
The 'Ville Voice
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Here I Type
Stairs of Great Britain
Boi From Troy
Law Dork
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