Sunday, February 24, 2008
Tales from the Clinton Crypt
I remember Tales from the Crypt, a now defunct HBO televison show that made hour programs based on the comic book of the same name. There was one that really has stuck with me and reminds me very much of this political season. The Ventriloquist's Dummy told the story of a young ventriloquist (Bobcat Goldwaith) who seeks advice from his idol, Mr. Ingles (Don Rickles). Things take a turn, however, when Goldwaith's character finds taht Mr. Ingle's dummy is acutally alive and his parasitic brother, who has live for years attached to his hand. The story goes on from there, as the parasitic brother is a serial killer who likes to kill prostitutes, blah, blah, blah. Typical horror fodder.
For some reason, it reminds me of the current Democratic race for president. Mrs. Clinton must get a reaction of fascination and horror everytime she looks across the podium at Mr. Obama. Ten years ago, Mrs. Clinton created Barak Obama. She was the first, at least in her mind, to stoke the fires of grassroots democracy. It was her power and her will that enabled those like Obama to come into their own and be a "soldier" for the Democratic party. These creations, these soldiers in her army, now they want to take over and be in control. She is the body, Obama is the parasitic brother that on one hand can't live without her, but on the other yearns to be free of the Clinton control machine. How often does she want to scream at Barak "I CREATED YOU!!! Without my families influence on this party, people like you wouldn't even have fun for ANYTHING much less president of the United States!" Personally, I wouldn't want to look into the gaping maw that is Clinton's inner-most thoughts. That is something that could scar a person for life.
In the Tales from the Crypt episode, Goldwaith screams "I'M MAKING AN ASSHOLE CASSEROLE!" as he chops off the killer with a meat cleaver. If Clinton wants to win, she is going to have to make a similarly painful parting. At this point, however, it may just cause the political demise of both candidates
Friday, February 22, 2008
I think I got it and I know I misspelled it.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
This dude is going to be playing Fenrir Greyback.

I have been rebitten by the fandom bug.
El Yawn
Where o where did my staying up late skills go to? Oh right, I'm not out drinking at a bar.
I get it.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Yes, Virginia
Resentment and hatred really DO keep you warm at night. The snuggle up to you and remind you daily how you fail and you cause others to fail just by association. Things that you struggle with come easy to them, and its not only natural talent. Oh no, they WANT to rub it in your face. Everyday. All-day. Get used to it, because everyone that you care about will do this to you until you either accept your failure or die.
That being said, there was a fight in the Mag Bar, which is some dive that we go to from time to time. Just punctuated the whole evening.
Labels: fun times
Monday, February 18, 2008
You Should Be Watching...
Deadwood. Great freaking show. Been watching it online and it is AWESOME.
Also, on the rec of a friend, I tried watching Flight of the Conchords. It was ok. Nothing all that special, and usually I like dry, deadpan humor. Very indie comedy that just didn't push my buttons.
Oh well. Say La Vee. Also, did you know that you can watch Netflix movies and shows automatically online? Yeah, its been pretty awesome.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I am the Calm
Feeling better. Doing things. Life is good.
Friday, February 15, 2008
I guess I'm the jerk
I don't get having kids. Yeah, it seems all great, then you stop liking the person you had the kid with. Now everything sucks for everyone just because you thought it would be "the right thing" to "keep" the child?
Just my opinion, but I don't really think its worth it.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
I'm going to update this blog more
I promise. Myspace kinda sucks. ;)