Thursday, October 30, 2008
On Travel Mugs and National Public Radio
My travel mug (which I got for free when I bought my Saturn in 2003), dribbled Earl Grey tea all over my nice dress pants today like a little brushed-silver infant.
I guess you get what you pay for applies also to travel mugs.
While surrogate child was giving me its own special rinse, I was listening to political coverage on NPR. They were talking about the Obama media blitz and McCain on Florida radio. Apparently, McCain went on one of those "Weenie and the Butt" type morning show and was cutting up with the lame-ass talent.
"Yeah, we have the surveillance cameras up. If you don't vote the right way, you better watch out starting your car in the morning."
Everyone, including McCain laughed. Obvious joke, right?
The NPR reporter added in the most serious and grievous tone.
"That was a joke."
This coming on the heels of their "begging campaign" where they told me that giving to NPR was a "moral responsibility". Hey NPR, as a taxpayer, I DO give to NPR. Don't guilt me just because I listen to Cartalk.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tagging the Election
McCain: Having a Stroke on your stop sign

Obama: Mao called


Funny, no Bob Barr stencils. I feel cheated.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
On the Obama Boat

He's not just the bartender. He's also the captain!!!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Politics Bum Me Out
It is always hard out there for Libertarians. There is always this nagging feeling of waste every time you vote (at least I feel that way a little). However, I always feel better when I remind myself that a vote is never wasted as long as you vote your conscious.
Just remember, Conservatives aren't the devil and Liberals aren't sweet little old ladies that give you money and smelly hugs (well, I guess the smell hug part).
Grain of salt, Grain of salt, Grain of salt.
Between Democracy Now, MSNBC and Fox News, I'm happy to be voting for Bob Barr this election.
Or maybe I could write in "Nurse Joker".
Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Ahhh....The Raiders