Friday, May 29, 2009
Adventures at Whole Foods
The more I think about it, the more this town needs a Trader Joe's. Then they could give Whole "Pay Check" Foods a run for their money. Now, don't get me wrong. I like the vitamins, cheese, beer, produce, meat, etc, etc. The parking lot, however, has got to be the smuggest, most holier-than-thou, preachy bunch of vehicles I have ever seen (and I've been to a Unitarian Church parking lot. Whole Foods wins hands down). So, I'm leaving after making my purchases. Walking past about 4 Prius's with the obligatory enviromental/Obama/UK Wildcats (I know, but its Kentucky, so everything is UK) stickers, I come to the first non-hybrid powered vehicle. The bumper sticker made me want to get a 2 x 4 give this little Honda Civic a "battered" motif. Get ready, its a doozy...
I Support Meaningless Jingoistic Cliches
Just like looking at the angles on sunken Rl'yeh, my mind just couldn't grasp that statement, at first. Then... Oh yeah "I Support The Troops/I Support The blah-dee-blah" I get it.
My soul rolled its eyes.
Yeah, we need a Trader Joe's.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I ain't afraid of no....
Sunday, May 24, 2009
| | | |Sunday, May 17, 2009
I Wish I Could Cook
Like The Pioneer Woman. I'm sure most women/men/world governments feel the same way.
I'm really thinking about making the Monkey Bread on Memorial Day.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Sad Bastard Music
You all remember Barry, right?

Ya know, Barry? From High Fidelity?
Since my readers are pretty well "hip" and "cultured" and can probably quote this movie in their sleep, I'm going to assume you know who he is....
I found his blog. And just to be an extra-special asshole, I'm adding him to my blog role.
Hey, everyone needs an anchor to weight them down...
edit: OH GOD HIS BLOGROLL!! Smells like minimum wage...
Its all in fun, kids. I jest because I'm the same fucking way. Don't get your girl pants in a knot.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day
You guys are awesome.
Don't blame yourself for your kids "short-comings". It has nothing to do with you, trust me. Sometimes kids just fuck up all on their own.
I know my mom feels this way everytime she looks at me. I wish she didn't. I love my mom, but I wish she was different, too.
Ah well, all things are level.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Busy, busy, buys.
Rush, rush, rush.
Glenn Beck is a wack-a-doo.
Just look. Making baby noises does NOT constitute debate.
Lets see, what else is there. Oh yeah, NO more ice tea before bed. Plus working out in the morning is ok for a few days, but after a while, its pretty wearing.
I guess thats enough random spewage for one day.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
OK, I may not be 100%...
happy with the job Obama is doing as president.
I do NOT, however, think that he is the anti-Christ. Some of the "preachers" that are aired on the TV station where I work seem to think that. They also think the "swine flu" is a sign of the apocalypse. The normal flu is probably going to kill more people. Sheesh. What would Jack Van Impe do without 24 hour news channels?